PAn Card In Nepal,how to register pan card in nepal,how to create pan card in nepal,What documents are required to submit before Inland Revenue Office (IRO) for PAN registration?,Can Nepali citizen apply for PAN card? How can I register for PAN card? How can I register a company in Nepal? How does VAT work in Nepal? PAN Registration Process in Nepal.How to Apply Personal PAN Card Registration Online in Nepal
Nepal government made PAn complusory For salaried Worker for both government and private sector. so in this video i made you easy to get PAN in Nepal. follow the step.
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Purpose: To define the methods and responsibilities for taxpayer registration process for Personal PAN (PPAN).
Scope: This procedure applies to taxpayers who want to register in Personal PAN.
1.0 Applicationfor registration
This part is to be done by applicant (Taxpayer).
1.1 To apply for Personal PAN Registration (PPAN), person must use IRD website ( and select Taxpayer Portal.
1.2 Click on Taxpayer Portal link to display Taxpayer Portal Menu.
1.3 In the subsequent Taxpayer Portal menu, click on '+' sign beside 'Registration for (PAN,VAT,EXCISE) to expand the menu.
1.4 Click on Application for Registration option in the menu. Following screen will be displayed
1.5 It is necessary to obtain a submission number for each application. This submission number serves as identification number for application. Fill in following information in screen displayed above.
1. Username – Username is case sensitive. This username will be used to open application document again if application is partially filled previously. Hence applicant must note the username.
2. Password – Password is case sensitive and must be six character or more. Password will be required to open previously saved document later. Hence applicant must note the password.
3. Re-Password – Re-enter password again just to confirm previously typed password.
4. Contact No – Type in Contact number.
5. Email-id – Type in Email Id
6. Registration for – Tick PPAN for personal PAN.
7. Select where application is to be registered. Select from radio button IRO/LTO or TSO.
8. Select office where application will be registered from the list.
9. Press 'OK' button at bottom right corner. On pressing 'OK' button following screen will be displayed.
Note down submission number, username and password. Submission number will be required to print the form as well as for verification by the Tax Officer.
Press 'Continue' button to go forward. On pressing 'Continue' button New screen will be displayed
Enter following information:
1. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the applicant in Nepali. Although typed information will be Unicode use Remington standard for typing.
2. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the applicant in English.
3. Sex: Select ex in radio button. Third Gender is also allowed.
4. Date of Birth: Date of birth can both be in Bikram Sambat (BS) or in English date (AD), but it must be indicated in radio button above date of birth. Date format for both BS and AD is 'YYYY.MM.DD'.
5. Nationality: Select nationality from list and press enter. Nationality is by default 'Nepal'.
6. Documents: At least one of the documents from the list displayed must be entered. To enter document, click upload sign (up-arrow) at the right side of the document row to be uploaded (Such as citizenship, passport etc). System will display New screen.
7. Enter document number such as citizenship number or driving license number or passport number depending on which document type was selected from the list.
8. Enter name of the office which issued the document.
9. Enter Place of Issue.
10. Enter Issue Date in Nepali (BS) in 'YYYY.MM.DD' format.
11. To upload document first scan the document in black and white mode and at minimum resolution (high resolution scanned document takes longer time to upload) and save somewhere in the disk. Then Press 'Browse' button and identify the scanned document in the drive and double click picture file of the document.
12. To finish document entry press 'OK' button.
13. Uploading Photo:
14. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the spouse.Watch Video For better Understand
Purpose: To define the methods and responsibilities for taxpayer registration process for Personal PAN (PPAN).
Scope: This procedure applies to taxpayers who want to register in Personal PAN.
1.0 Applicationfor registration
This part is to be done by applicant (Taxpayer).
1.1 To apply for Personal PAN Registration (PPAN), person must use IRD website ( and select Taxpayer Portal.
1.2 Click on Taxpayer Portal link to display Taxpayer Portal Menu.
1.3 In the subsequent Taxpayer Portal menu, click on '+' sign beside 'Registration for (PAN,VAT,EXCISE) to expand the menu.
1.4 Click on Application for Registration option in the menu. Following screen will be displayed
1.5 It is necessary to obtain a submission number for each application. This submission number serves as identification number for application. Fill in following information in screen displayed above.
1. Username – Username is case sensitive. This username will be used to open application document again if application is partially filled previously. Hence applicant must note the username.
2. Password – Password is case sensitive and must be six character or more. Password will be required to open previously saved document later. Hence applicant must note the password.
3. Re-Password – Re-enter password again just to confirm previously typed password.
4. Contact No – Type in Contact number.
5. Email-id – Type in Email Id
6. Registration for – Tick PPAN for personal PAN.
7. Select where application is to be registered. Select from radio button IRO/LTO or TSO.
8. Select office where application will be registered from the list.
9. Press 'OK' button at bottom right corner. On pressing 'OK' button following screen will be displayed.
Note down submission number, username and password. Submission number will be required to print the form as well as for verification by the Tax Officer.
Press 'Continue' button to go forward. On pressing 'Continue' button New screen will be displayed
Enter following information:
1. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the applicant in Nepali. Although typed information will be Unicode use Remington standard for typing.
2. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the applicant in English.
3. Sex: Select ex in radio button. Third Gender is also allowed.
4. Date of Birth: Date of birth can both be in Bikram Sambat (BS) or in English date (AD), but it must be indicated in radio button above date of birth. Date format for both BS and AD is 'YYYY.MM.DD'.
5. Nationality: Select nationality from list and press enter. Nationality is by default 'Nepal'.
6. Documents: At least one of the documents from the list displayed must be entered. To enter document, click upload sign (up-arrow) at the right side of the document row to be uploaded (Such as citizenship, passport etc). System will display New screen.
7. Enter document number such as citizenship number or driving license number or passport number depending on which document type was selected from the list.
8. Enter name of the office which issued the document.
9. Enter Place of Issue.
10. Enter Issue Date in Nepali (BS) in 'YYYY.MM.DD' format.
11. To upload document first scan the document in black and white mode and at minimum resolution (high resolution scanned document takes longer time to upload) and save somewhere in the disk. Then Press 'Browse' button and identify the scanned document in the drive and double click picture file of the document.
12. To finish document entry press 'OK' button.
13. Uploading Photo:
- To upload photo scanned photo is required.
- Click on the 'Browse' button.
- Locate scanned photo and press open button. Picture will be loaded in new windows .
- Place the rectangle over the face by grabbing the rectangle and dragging over the face. Resize the rectangle by dragging the corner of the rectangle to clip the area of the loaded picture so that passport size picture is clipped. Press 'Take his picture' button to clip and load picture. Loaded picture will be displayed in the right of the screen.
15. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the Father in Nepali.
16. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the Father in English.
17. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the mother in Nepali. Father's name or mother's name is mandatory.
18. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the grandfather in Nepali.
19. Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name of the guardian in case of minor in Nepali.
20. Enter Professional Certificate Number.
21. Select Professional Category from the List.
22. Select Professional Sub-Category from the list.